Oolite Arts strives to be a leader in the South Florida contemporary cultural scene as a creative and learning center, and  internationally recognized as a world class cultural center. 

The mission of Oolite Arts is to support artists and advance  the knowledge and practice of contemporary visual arts and culture in  South Florida. Oolite Arts creates opportunities for experimentation and  innovation, and encourages the exchange of ideas across cultures through  residencies, exhibitions, public programs, education and outreach.

Oolite Arts 2025 Studio Residency Program offers studio spaces at our Miami Beach location for exceptional visual artists working in a range of disciplines. In addition to engaging with a community of artists, renowned curators, arts professionals, and institutional partners in Miami, Oolite Arts Residents are provided the space from which to develop their practice and are invited to actively participate in Oolite Arts’ programs such as exhibitions, public programming, studio visits, and our community outreach initiatives.
For full application details click here

NOTE:  Application is also available in Spanish and Creole.

El Programa de residencia de talleres 2025 ofrece espacios de taller en nuestra ubicación en Miami Beach para artistas visuales excepcionales que trabajan en distintas disciplinas. Además de interactuar con una comunidad de artistas, curadores de renombre, profesionales de las artes y socios institucionales en Miami, los residentes de Oolite Arts reciben un espacio donde pueden desarrollar su trabajo y se les invita a que participen activamente en los programas de arte de Oolite, tales como exposiciones, programación pública, visitas de estudio y en nuestras iniciativas de divulgación comunitaria. 

Los detalles completos de la aplicación hacen clic aquí

Pwogram Rezidans Atelye Oolite Arts la bay atis ki gen tan yon kote ak resous pou yo rive a yon nivo ekselans.  Rezidan atelye Oolite Arts yo resevwa yon atelye travay gratis nan etablisman prensipal yo an nan Miami Beach.  Yo bay yo anplis koneksyon total kapital ak dirijan atistik yo, ak opòtinite pou gen egzibisyon ak resous finansye ki kapab ba yo opòtinite pou yo chanje karyè yo, epi yon kominote kote atis yo kapab aprann youn ak lòt e pou yo vin gen eksperyans a de travay nouvo.   
Detay aplikasyon konplè klike isit la

The Oolite Arts’ Live.In.Art Residency Program provides artists with the time, space and resources to reach new levels of excellence. Oolite Residents receive a live/work space in the heart of South Beach, in addition to critical connections with arts leaders, exhibition opportunities and financial resources that can lead to career-changing opportunities, and a community where artists can learn from each other and experiment with new work.

Oolite, in partnership with other stakeholders, will subsidize two-thirds of the monthly rent, and each resident artist will pay $600 per month, plus electricity and Wifi.
For full application details click here

NOTE:  Application is also available in Spanish and Creole.

El programa de residencia Live.In.Art de Oolite Arts proporciona a los artistas el tiempo, el espacio y los recursos para alcanzar nuevos niveles de excelencia. Los residentes de Oolite reciben un espacio para vivir/trabajar en el corazón de South Beach, además de conexiones críticas con líderes artísticos, oportunidades de exhibición y recursos financieros que pueden conducir a oportunidades de cambio de carrera, y una comunidad donde los artistas pueden aprender unos de otros y experimentar. con obra nueva.

Oolite, en asociación con otras partes interesadas, subsidiará dos tercios del alquiler mensual, y cada artista residente pagará 600 dólares al mes, más electricidad y Wifi.
Los detalles completos de la aplicación hacen clic aquí

Pwogram Rezidans Live.In.Art Oolite Arts la bay atis tan, espas ak resous pou yo rive nan nouvo nivo ekselans. Rezidan Oolite yo resevwa yon espas viv/travay nan kè South Beach, anplis koneksyon enpòtan ak lidè atistik yo, opòtinite egzibisyon ak resous finansye ki ka mennen nan opòtinite pou chanje karyè, ak yon kominote kote atis yo ka aprann youn nan men lòt epi fè eksperyans. ak nouvo travay.

Oolite an patenarya ak lòt moun ki gen enterè yo, pral sibvansyone de tyè nan pri lwaye a chak mwa epi chak atis rezidan ap peye $600 pa mwa, plis elektrisite ak Wifi.
Detay aplikasyon konplè klike isit la

Now in its 7th year, our Cinematic Residency Program is undergoing exciting renovations to better serve the vibrant community of filmmakers in Miami. Apply from October 3rd to November 4th for our program offering one first-time Miami filmmaker $50,000 to complete a narrative micro-budget feature, along with access to a shared studio space and additional support for the production and post-production of the film. This unique program will enable a local filmmaker to create, shoot and screen their film, without ever leaving Miami. 

Please read our FAQs.

Ahora, en su séptimo año, nuestro Programa de Residencia Cinematográfica está experimentando emocionantes renovaciones para servir mejor a la vibrante comunidad de cineastas en Miami. Postúlate del 3 de octubre al 4 de noviembre para nuestro programa que ofrece a un cineasta de Miami, que esté realizando su primera película, $50,000 para completar un largometraje narrativo de micro-presupuesto, junto con acceso a un espacio de estudio compartido y apoyo adicional para la producción y postproducción de la película. Este programa único permitirá a un cineasta local crear, rodar y proyectar su película, sin tener que salir de Miami.

Por favor, lea nuestras FAQs

Kounye a nan 7yèm ane li, Pwogram Rezidans Sinematik nou an ap sibi renouvèlman eksitan pou pi byen sèvi kominote sinematograf vivan Miami a. Aplike soti 3 oktòb rive 4 novanm pou pwogram nou an ki ofri yon premye sinematograf Miami $50,000 pou konplete yon long metraj naratif ak yon ti bidjè, ansanm ak aksè nan yon estidyo pataje ak sipò adisyonèl pou pwodiksyon ak pòs-pwodiksyon fim nan. Pwogram inik sa a ap pèmèt yon sinematograf lokal kreye, filme ak montre fim yo san yo pa janm kite Miami.

Tanpri li seksyon FAQ nou yo.

The Ellies Awards will support working artists with grants of $5,000 to $25,000 to realize a significant visual arts project, and art teachers for a travel stipend of up to $5,000. These awards are open to all artists and full-time art professors who reside in Miami-Dade County. The application will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on November 4th, 2024.


Please read our FAQ.

Please read our Terms and Conditions

Los Premios Ellies apoyarán a artistas en activo con subvenciones de $5,000 a $25,000 para llevar a cabo un proyecto importante de artes visuales, y a maestros de arte con una beca de viaje de hasta $5,000. Estos premios están abiertos a todos los artistas y profesores de arte a tiempo completo que residan en el condado de Miami-Dade. La solicitud se aceptará hasta las 11:59 p.m. del 4 de noviembre de 2024.

Por favor, lea nuestras Preguntas Frecuentes

Por favor, lea nuestros Términos y Condiciones.

Prim “the Ellies”  yo pral ede atis kap travay nan metye atistik la ak sibvansyon soti nan $5,000.00 rive $25,000.00 pou reyalize yon pwojè da vizyèl enpòta. Pou anseyan da vizyèl yo,  yap ede yo ak yon alokasyon jiska $5000.00 pou vwayaj.  Prim sa yo disponib pou tout atis ak pwofesè da vizyèl ki travay aplentan ki rete nan Konte Miami-Dade la.  Yap aksepte aplikasyon yo jiska le 4 novanm 2024.jiska 11:59 diswa.

Tanpri li  Kesyon yo mande souvan ak repons yo nou yo - FAQs.

Tanpri li Tèm ak Kondisyon nou yo.

Please use this form to submit interim and final grant reports.  This form should be used for grants related to the following programs: The Ellies, Cinematic Arts Residency, and The Block.

If you have any questions about this form please reach out to Julisa Rivera, Community Investments Associate at The Miami Foundation at jrivera@miamifoundation.org.

This form is for grantees (The Ellies, Cinematic Arts Residency, The Block) to submit their signed grant agreement, final project budget (if applicable), and payment information.

Payments will be processed to grantees through The Miami Foundation. The Foundation is working remotely and issuing all payments by ACH Electronic Funds Transfer. We are requesting that you provide your ACH information using this secure form. 

If you have any questions about this form please reach out to Sheryl Saturnino, Community Investments Officer, at ssaturnino@miamifoundation.org. 

Oolite Arts